but anyway, here it is. You don't need much as a felter. Water. Wool. Soap. A Spray Bottle. Bubble Wrap. A Table. A nearby Sink. A Dryer. Maybe. and string and a needle if you want to stitch your pieces into something.

I have a crock pot for dying, and wool felt sheets in my studio for Mimi's line, and for adding my labels too, when I use them.

I have mailing materials. and bits of this and that.

the floor is actually perfect, i don't mind dripping water on it. and down here...i'm 15 steps from my dryer.

Sometimes I think I could be like a traveling felt road show and everything i need would fit in a small bag. I have an idea to felt in romantic places this summer and photograph it. Like in a barn!

The temperature is much cooler in my lower level than in my kitchen where you'll often find me felting on a vintage pink table previously owned by my Grandma's neighbor. (we're in a heat wave right now in Pennsylvania. on my back porch it's been close to 100 degrees for days). So me and the kids have been enjoying working down here . And I thought it might be interesting to show you. XX

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