I got 34 of them on Lancaster Freecycle...and thought I could incorporate them into the My Aunt Debbie shop window that I'm designing for July.

I had lots of ideas for the material. I wanted to do some sort of wool or sheep theme...but that might not be good for July when it's 110 degrees here in Pennsylvania. I ended up making these flowery orbs. I added sparkling tissue paper in between each flower layer...
I hope I can use them, but I have to figure out the window dimensions and of course the center of the window. oh the little things...but Hey! I made orbs!

After I littered our little home with cracked corn paper shards, and after I completely covered myself in corn dust (what an odd smell), I took a refreshing shower and then took the kids to the Manheim Township Library and park where we caught up with our favorite buddies. Jo Ellen read to the kids while I looked for books about sheep. (My new "Hooray for Sheep Farming!" book lists breeds with drawings, but No Wensleydale:(...and here's a funny quote from the book, "The next time you put on a woolen scarf or sweater, shout "Hooray for sheep! Hooray for sheep farming!" I like this book because it's focus is on sheep farming for wool, and it's a great little book for kids- even showing the thickness of wool yarns created from different varieties of sheep.

We found the playground and it was very new to us...in fact, when we ran in, we first saw this Bocce set-up, and lots of grownups really enjoying themselves. what a great idea! it looked fun.

The kids really liked running around in this unexpected and new open space. They had a dry kind of landscape, and I think we felt like we'd suddenly moved to the west coast or something- with big rocks to climb on and lots of room.

I actually got to chat with Jo Ellen tonite (what a luxury)...and when we came home big flowers were waiting for us.

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