Last Friday, we made our annual pilgrimage to Glen Rock to attend the infamous Fairie Festival. We drove in a caravan with our friends, Jo Ellen, Kai and Opal. We packed blankets, snacks, and kids in car seats and headed to York.
The night before I made wings for Mimi, sewing them to her hot pink long sleeve cotton onesie. I used four large felted pieces of Wensleydale wool. I then woke up the next morning to watch the Royal Wedding. At 5am, here in the US.
It was an early day, and felt rather exciting.
I admit, it's a little out there sometimes, but nevertheless, I have to love this annual May Day Fairie Festival at Spoutwood Farms. In fact, I really look forward to it all winter long, and I look back on pictures from other years during the winter and I think things like, "will the grass seriously be that green soon?"

(Mimi above, wearing her felted British Wensleydale "wings"...accented with salvaged ribbon from a stash in the back room of Mommalicious, see prior post).

I love the outdoorsy-ness, childhood wonderness of it all.
And the bubble maker machine.

the play in the woods, woodsy-ness...

the pretty clothes and the lovey-ness...

and the um, drumming circle. Yes. I love that.

I think it qualifies as family tradition now. We always have so much fun, getting our boots muddy, and taking in all the sights and sounds...which there are plenty. We get some great pictures out of it- and I think the kids will look back on it fondly and remember running through giant bubbles down a hill, playing in a stream, and getting messy in the woods while listening to musicians.

(and they sleep well when they get home!)

please enjoy a video...! (you should pause my Playlist player so you can "experience" the fairie-ness for yourself...)
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