This month has been so busy. The pictures on my hard drive have been adding up. I feel like I've been popping the stroller in and out of the car several times a day. I've been wearing many hats...mother, artist, organizer, appt setter, taxi driver, behind the scenes arty shop assistant, baby and child health and development researcher, sports enthusiast, British wool felting expert!
I am very happy that the worries of snow are over, as my life seems so busy now, I don't think I could handle the addition of coats and cold.
I love this shot of Max at the Railroad museum during his field trip. He is I think, the tallest in his class now.

The kids and I spent an evening registering Max for kindergarten with the School District of Lancaster. It really is a bit of an ordeal registering.

We needed a few beverages in the overheated waiting room, but we are proud we got through the long wait and paperwork. It has been extra complicated for us, as we've also had two meetings with the district regarding Occupational Therapy for Max when he gets to school, as well as multiple evaluation sessions with school staff members. (Most of those appointments occurred during rather "inclement" winter weather...)We are excited to get to this point, and for this coming September. We are ready, for sure.

Max is so ready that the same week we registered, he also lost his first tooth!

In addition to school sign-ups, Max started baseball with a city league.

I have a new appreciation for soccer moms! It's a bit tricky helping Max on the field and tending to Mimi, but this week I brought my MIL with me, and it worked out much better. Also, I felt that sense of community again, especially after this weeks practice. We had "one of those days" but evening practice turned out so fun, and on the way home Marty Hulse from Building Character drove past us in his convertible through the city...I waved, and then he said "Hi Maggie" as he passed by. and I thought, I love knowing people here. It's just nice. Truly. The value of community cannot be underestimated.
I turned 38 on April 6. We had lunch as a family of four at El Rodeo. I had a nice birthday, and a quiet afternoon and evening with the kids.

Last Saturday we had a Yoga Party Playdate with Amy Balestier from Yoga on Orange. We won the party at the Lancaster Cooperative School Auction last November. Amy was SOOO good, and gave the kids a wonderful session. It was so nice to have her in our house, and reminded me how calming yoga is, and how much we need it. Opal and Kai had taken classes with Amy before, but I hadn't realized that Amy also had taught Max at preschool. She knew what poses he was good at!

Max, getting good at yoga!

Mimi working on the Happy Baby pose!

Another new addition to our family, is Feeding Mimi Food! She is eager to eat, and it's been really fun. This prune episode gave me the best laugh I'd had in weeks. Honestly she loved them at lunch, but gave me crazy faces at dinner!
I'm hoping that my weight will start to go down now, as I don't have as much time to eat since I'm busy feeding someone else! Cross your fingers!

Spring is hitting us quickly this year, but we're in it for the ride! My new Wensleydale bows have been so fun to make. I'm actively looking for new retailers for them. Do you have a shop? Message me, and we can talk wholesale! My email address is:

We are looking forward to Easter, and the upcoming week. We hope you are as well!