our good friends are home from visiting Dad in London...and they popped over today with Loads of Dresses and presents. They also acted as my courier in delivering some felt flowers to felt on Cale Street in Chelsea for me.
On the way home they carried some pieces I bought from I Love Gorgeous in the UK, and a bunch of little dresses from Monsoon, M&S, etc...which I thought was more than enough.
but Surprise!, they went shopping on their own for us too, and brought us fabulous things...
Like these Daisy Roots shoes...

this peach (bubble!) dress with mother of pearl buttons, from French designer
Arthur & Felicie...

this Zara jumper, M&S jumper dress and tights, and floral pants:

it was so sweet of them. they had borrowed a bag of mine for the airplane, and they returned it, filled to the brim, with things for us! amazing.
There are a few reasons why I love fancy dresses.
I went to grade school with Dana. who lived with her Dad, who bought her shirts and jeans. but who visited Grandma on the weekends in NYC, and bought her party dresses at Bloomingdales. lots of party dresses. and Dana wore a different one to school nearly every day. and i thought that was amazing.
When i was 13 I babysat for a family from Norway. and so began my introduction to kids clothes from overseas and Hanna Andersson.
When I was applying to work with families after college as a nanny through Family Extensions in Connecticut, I interviewed with a wonderful Aussie family. Part of my job would be to iron their English dresses. (I also loved their separate fridge just for fruits and veg, but their current nanny quit too soon, and they had to hire someone else before I could begin work.)
My nanny girls (4 of them) that I did oversee, wore dresses their Grandma bought them on special outings. I loved dressing them up for Broadway shows, etc. The dresses were so soft, i knew the girls would be comfy on the ride home late at night from the city.
Here is Mimi's first I Love Gorgeous stash...I stared at their website for ages, but in the end bought this warm (it's lined) Pink Ditsy Star dress- her best color w/ bloomers. and summertime hot pink frilly chiffon pants:

The package arrived with these lovely perfume samples from Miller Harris, Sophie and Lucy's Terre de Bois and Noix de Tubereuse. (Sophie and Lucy are the owners of I Love Gorgeous)

I am truly infatuated with the dresses from this company. When I picked out the pink things above... I imagined dressing her only in these dresses. For years. I love the idea of playing outside in these fantastic frocks, and having them to save for her own children.
Here's the Mauve Diamond Pinny Dress:

When my mother was young, she was supposed to keep her dresses clean and tidy. Heck to that...i think you should wear them out and play in the woods with them...
Here's the Lola Dress:

and the Carmen Dress:

we're all tuckered out. lots of trampoline fun for the big kids, and coffees for Mom and Jo Ellen, and lots of chatting for baby Mimi to hear.

Above: Dresses from right to left and top to bottom, M&S, Debenhams, Monsoon, and Monsoon.
Can't wait to dress her all up.

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