Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Memorable Morning at Market

Mimi and I went to market to see a friend I hadn't seen in a year this morning. It was lovely to see her, but all relationship hell had JUST broken loose with her, and she told me the details next to these gorgeous sunflowers...

and so walking and talking took us to Rachel's Creperie (where I realized crepes are made with milk and i can't eat them.) I had black coffee and watched my friend eat the most gorgeous breakfast crepe...with cheese and layers....ahhh!!!
and then we ran across the street to Mommalicious and My Aunt Debbie, carrying Mimi in a torrential downpour. where we saw this gorgeousness. a basket full of fragrant Tokyo Milk soaps.

Mimi earlier...before....

and now I am home cleaning once again, with Central Market watermelon, plums, strawberries, celery, and red potatoes on my kitchen counter.
Sad for London. and the fires. and wondering what would make people act with such reckless abandonment. To me it looks like they are stealing crap. and to think that on Saturday night I was scared over the power outage from a blown up neighborhood transformer here in Lancaster!
I am going about my afternoon thinking of my friend who has been so resilient in the past, and knowing she'll be more than fine again without her Cowboy.
The rain continued today, but still, flowers EVERYWHERE. and babies, who just smile to everyone and happily eat their strawberries.

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