We were so happy to celebrate Mimi's Baptismal day on Sunday at St. Leo's. She's such a precious little angel. My sister and her family drove down from Connecticut, and my Uncle Joe drove up from Maryland with his girlfriend, Yvonne.
A rainy day, Mimi slept during mass, in her Sarah Louise party dress from England.

And here she is changed into the family Christening gown, and about to be annointed...(and worried for the crying baby behind us)

It was so dear, and Mimi was so good during the whole thing. Looking up in awe at the deacon as he annointed her,

and not crying while he liberally poured the baptismal waters on her head, saying loudly as he declared, "MIMI ANGELINE FRENCH! I BAPTIZE YOU IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!" (I think he protected her from any evil for the rest of her life:-))

Max was at the alter too, and the priest blessed him so that he would be loyal to his friends and family.

We had a party at our house after wards. The rain kept some friends away as they had colds, and didn't want to infect Mimi who had been so sick with RSV this past week. but it was still a bit crowded in our cottage house, and lots of people to talk to and hold Mimi.
here is Max in his suit! with all dressed up Audrey!

BB, Mimi, and Audrey...

lots of food...I had help from my mom and sister who brought gorgeous platters of delicious things into my house!

Uncle Joe, Yvonne, and my Mom...

spring rolls from Lhaow, made extra fancy for Mimi...

and with her new Godmother, Abby.

at 4.5 months old, Mimi is just an absolute love. Calm, gracious, and sweeter than words. Small but strong. We are truly blessed to have her and we wish her the best in life.

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