, and right after I (uh hum) "cleaned" him up...we got a phone call that Matt's Nanny in Tennessee had passed on.
Here she is, and I like this photo because she's in her kitchen. and i love it, because she's a woman after my own heart. in fact i have the same table, and the same curtains. that woman could COOK! and her house was always tidy and clean. so imagine biscuits cooking, lovely breakfast/lunch and dinners cooking, in a tidy tidy house where things match! just lovely Southern hospitality. Nanny you will be missed.
it was so sad to hear.
and then...Mimi got pretty sick. very sick.

35 outfits later this weekend. and two trips to the Emergency Room at Lancaster General. one on Sunday morning, and one on Monday morning. Momma driving down the deserted Lancaster city streets at 2:20am, a bit panicky. Tears brewing in my eyes. I had never in my life heard someones breath sound like hers did. It sounded like when your stomach is hungry and growling and popping and fizzy. but it was in her chest! and now my 4 month old sweet sweet gorgeous baby girl has RSV.
Mimi went home from the ER with a nebulizer machine and albuterol. and antibiotics for her bad ear infection too. She is having breathing treatments every four hours.

but getting better...in outfit change number 36! (our discharge orders said to put her to sleep on our bed in her car seat to keep her upright.) We've been camped out in the house, and mostly in the bedroom together since Saturday am. and today is what day...um i forget now.

We are sad we could not attend the funeral, but we are glad that we were not far from home with a very sick baby.
and now, in between holding, loving, and medicating my baby, I am preparing for Mimi's baptism scheduled for this Sunday. Her doctors have said it's ok to go ahead with it. and we have family coming from Connecticut and Maryland.
Matt has a shopping list, and a English smocked dress is on hold for the after party and is being picked up by my mom.
There will be food and friends and family. thankfulness for our baby girl.
And hand sanitizer at the door!
Every breath is precious. For both the very young and the old. And we learned that this week.
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